MVSc and PhD Research in Department 

Sr. No.NameTitleYearDegreeField of Study
1Khin Khin AyeStudies on the Response of Larvae and Adult Ascaridia galli to three Anthalmentics1994MVScPoultry
2Khin Ma MaStudies on the Pullorum Diseases of Some Laying hens1944MVScPoultry
3Ye Htut AungStudies on IB, ND and IBD Antibody Titres Relationship to Layer and Breedersat the Time of Lay and Their Egg Yolks2000MVScPoultry
4Aung Tun KhaingStudies on the Correlation between Newcastle Disease Haeagglutination Inhibition Titre and Egg Production in Chickens2001MVScPoultry
5Hlaing Hlaing MyintComparison of Haeagglutination Inhibition Antibody Response in Chicks Vaccinated with Live and Inactivated Vaccine and in Those Vaccinated with Inactivated ND Only2001MVScPoultry
6Win Ohnmar KyawComparison of Haemagglutination Inhibition Antibody Response in Village Chickens with IStrain, Thermostable ND Vaccine by Three Different Routes2001MVScPoultry
7Win ThandarStudies on the Efficacy of Inactivated and Live Vaccine Against IB in Laying Hens2014MVScPoultry
8Myint NaingStudies on Effects of Saccharomyces Cervisae of Hemagglutination Antibody  Response2014MVScPoultry
9Hlaing Hlaing MyintThe Effects of Three IBD Vaccines Virus Strains on Immune Response and Pathgological Changes in Two Strains of Broilers2013PhDPoultry
10Cho Cho KhaingStudy on Efficacy of Various IB Vaccination Programmes on Response of Hemagglutination  Inhibition test2005MVScPoultry
11Kahing Thwe LattStudy on the Aetiogical, Clinic-pathological and Theraputic aspects of Experimental Collibacillosis in broiler chickens2005MVScPoultry
12Myint Thandar WinPhysical and Pathological Changes in Chickens Vaccinated with Monovalent Inactivated Escherichia coli Vaccines2006MVScPoultry
13Yee MonExpression of Canine relaxin A in E.coli and Coloning of Canine Relaxin Chain B2006MVScCanine
14Mya Thae Phyu ThantScreening of Ceroprevalence of Brucellosis in Goats and Related Risk Factors2008MVScGoat
15Tin Maung LinnThe Effects on Anthelmintic Therapy on Common Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infestation and Clinical Performance in Local Sheep2008MVScSheep
16Hlaing May ThanA study on the Clinical Performance and Anthelmatic Therapy of Common Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infestation in Goats2008MVScGoat
17Aye San MayClinical and Subclinical Mastitis Related to Environmental Risk Factors2008MVScCattle
18Khin Maung LattSupplementation of Haematinics and Ummb on Some Haematological Value in Goat2009MVScGoat
19Zaw Min OoThe Occurrences of Microfilaria in Myanmar Timber Elephants and Their Response to Ivermectin Therapy2009MVScElephant
20Yu Yu YaminComparison of Immune Response to Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine in Two Different Strains of Broilers2010MVScPoultry
21Htet Ma Ma PhyoeSeroprevalence of Foot and Mouth Diseases in Small Ruminants in Pyawbwe and Meiktila Township and its Associated Risk Factors2010MVScCattle
22Nevil HtunClinical and Serological Survey of Avian Metapneumovirus Infection in Commercial Broilers2012MVScPoultry
23Ohnmar MyintClinical and Serological Survey of Mycoplasma gallisepticum Infection in Commercial Broiler2012MVScPoultry
24Yamonnar Kyaw TinEffect of Dietary Probiotic and Prebiotic on Growth Performance and Antibody Response to Newcastle Disease Virus in Broiler2012MVScPoultry
25Yadanar OoEvaluation of Four Vaccination Schemes Against Infectious Bronchitis in Commercial broilers2014MVScPoultry
26Mi Mi Zin AungEffects of Feeding Dry Storage and Green Storage on Occurrence of Clinical and Subclinical Mastitis, Milk yield and Milk Composition in Lactating Cows2014MVScCattle
27Zaw Min OoSeasonal Incidence and Efficacy of Albendazole and Ivermectin against Gastrointestinal Nematodes Infestation in Myanma Timber Elephants2015PhDElephant
28Phyu Hnin PhweEffect of Different strains of Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis Combine vaccine on Histopathological Changes of Head Associated Lymphoid Tissues in Broilersead ass2015MVScPoultry
29Theint Moh Moh ZawEffect of Different strains of Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis Combine vaccine on Histopathological Changes of Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissues in Broilersead ass2015MVScPoultry
30Aye Htet Htet TharComparative Antibody Response to Four different Vaccination Programmes Against Newcastle Disease in Commercial Broilers2015MVScPoultry
31Yin Nyein AyeEffect of Supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Milk yield, milk composition and clinical and subclinical Mastitis in Lactating Cows2015MVScBovine
32Thae Mya NandarStudy on the Differences of Non Structural Protein between Imported and Locally produced FMD vaccines in Meikhtila and Amarapura Township2016MVScBovine
33Thiri SweStudy of the Herd Immunity and Efficacy of FMD vaccination induced by vaccination Campaing2016MVScBovine
34Wai Wai Aung MinEffect of Different Levels of Probiotic on Growth Preformance, Histomorphological Changes of Large Intestine and Some Haematological Values of Broliers2016 MVSc Poultry
35Mon Zin MyintEffect of Different Levels of Probiotic on Small Intestinal Histomorphology, Lymphoid Organ Weights and Immune Response of Commercial Broiler to Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Vaccination2016 MVSc Poultry
36Aung Phyo MinThe effect of different levels of Methionine and Lysine supplementation on growth performance and immune response to Newcastle Disease Virus on commercial broilers2016 MVSc Poultry
37Shwe Thiri Maung Maung KhinPrevalence of Canine Parvovirus Infection in Dogs and Its Associated Risk Factors2016 MVSc Canine
38Thandar OoAssessment of Aflatoxins Contamination in Poultry Feed and Feedstuffs in Three Regions of Myanmar2016 MVSc Poultry
39Nang Kay KhaingClinical and Haematological Indices in Different Workloads in Jumper Horses of Myanmar Equestrian Center, Nay Pyi Taw2016 MVScEquine
 40Khaing Khin Khin chawChanges in Clinical Parameters and Haematological Profile in Hyperimmunized Horses with Russell’s viper Venom of Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory, Yangon2016 MVSc Poultry
41Pann Nu Nay AungClinical and Serological Survey of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale Infection in Commercial Layers2017 MVSc Poultry
42Yi Mon AyePrevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Antibodies in Bulk Tank Milk of Small Scale Dairy Herds2017 MVScBovine
43Hnin Yu Yu KyiDiagnosis and Management of Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs and Cats2017MVMCanine and Feline

Current Research

Sr. No.NameTitleYearDegreeField of Study
1Yamonnar Kyaw TinSerological Study of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea and Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis and Associated Risk Factors in Dairy Herds in Myanmar2018PhDCattle
2Aung Myint HtunIdentification of Skin Wounds and Associated Bacteria in Asian Elephant (Elephas Maximus) from Myanma Timber Enterprise2018MVScElephant
3May Thu Zar WinIsolation, Identification and Antimicrobial Sensitivity of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale from Broiler Chicken Flocks in Nay Pyi Taw Area2018MVScPoultry
4Final Year StudentsSerological survey of Brucellosis in small ruminants in Nay Pyi Taw Region2018BVScSmall ruminants
5Final Year StudentsAssessment of Aflatoxin B1 Contamination in Poultry Feed in Nay Pyi Taw Region2018BVScPoultry

On Going Research

Sr. No.Title
1Molecular Characterization of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) Circulating in Myanmar and Evaluation of Different Vaccines and Vaccination Programmes on Antibody Responses to Infectious Bursal Disease in Commercial Broilers.
2Effect of Bacteriophage supplementation on Growth Performance, Some Blood Parameters and Salmonella Shedding in Broilers
3Effect of enzymes on Growth Performance and antibody response to Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine in Broiler Chickens
4Effect of Probiotics and Prebiotics on Growth Performance and antibody response to Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Vaccine in Broiler Chickens
5Sero-prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Brucellosis and Q Fever in Small Ruminants in Dry Zone area, Myanmar
6Comparative efficacy of antibody response to Newcastle Disease Vaccines in Broiler Chickens by HI test and ELISA Test